

A cookie jar is used to hold cookies set by HTTP responses, and add the appropriate cookies to a HTTP request. It is designed for use in conjunction with Cro::HTTP::Client; in many cases, this type need not be used directly.

Adding cookies from a response into the jar§

The add-from-response method is used to add the cookies from a Cro::HTTP::Response into the cookie jar. In order to allow correct future matching of the cookies, the request URI must also be included, in order to determine the host, path, and if the request was secure (HTTPS). The URI should be passed as an instance of Cro::Uri.

$jar.add-from-response($resp, $uri);

Adding cookies from the jar into a request§

The add-to-request method is used to add cookies from the jar that match the specified request URI into the provided request object. The request should be an instance of Cro::HTTP::Request and the URI an instance of Cro::Uri.

$jar.add-to-request($req, $uri);

Adding cookies directly to the jar§

Call the add-cookie method to add a cookie directly to the jar. It requires a Cro::HTTP::Cookie object to be passed.

Introspecting the jar contents§

To get a List of all cookies in the jar, use contents. This returns a List of Cro::HTTP::Cookie objects.

my @cookies = $jar.contents;

To get a List containing only those cookies that would match a particular URI, pass that URI to the contents method.

my @uri-cookies = $jar.contents($uri);

Removing cookies from the jar§

To remove all cookies from the jar, call clear.


To remove all cookies matching a particular URI, pass that URI (it must be a Cro::Uri):


To remove an individual cookie, pass the name of the cookie to clear also.

$jar.clear($uri, $name);